Investment Management
Investment Management Account refers to the prudent management of assets or cash of individuals and corporate clients to maximize earnings. Depending on the risk appetite of the investor and investment objective, PBCOM Trust designs and implements investment strategies suited to client’s specific requirements. Depending on preference and/or sophistication of the client, PBCOM TWMG may be given full or limited discretionary powers over their investments.
Features and Benefits
- For a minimum initial investment of Php1,000,000.00, you can maximize the earning potential of your investment through a professional fund manager.
- You are free to invest based on your investment objective, risk appetite and discretion.
- Be able to efficiently access different investment outlets from government securities, corporate bonds to listed stock shares (listed equities) through our fund management services.
- One (1) valid government ID
- Customer Information with signature card
- Client Investment Suitability Assessment
- Risk Disclosure Sheet
- Investment Management Agreement
- PBCOM Savings/Checking Account (Settlement Account)
- Investment Policy Statement, for Discretionary account
- Letter of Instruction, for Non-discretionary account
- Articles of Incorporation (AOI)
- By-Laws of the Corporation
- General Information Sheet (GIS)
- Board Resolution to open an IMA account with PBCOM TWMG
- Board resolution on Authorized Signatories
- Customer information and Government-issued ID of Authorized Signatories
- Customer information and Government- issued ID of Stockholders holding at least 20%
- Client Investment Suitability Assessment
- Risk Disclosure Sheet
- Investment Policy Statement, for Discretionary account
- Letter of Instruction, for Non-discretionary account
- PBCOM Savings/Checking Account (Settlement Account)
Terms and Conditions
- Trust Products are not deposit accounts and NOT insured by PDIC for P500,000.00. Trust assets are separate from bank’s assets. In case of bank closure, the Trust assets of the clients remain intact in the portfolio and may be sold/withdrawn or transferred to a successor Trustee bank at its market value.
- Yields are not guaranteed. Bonds and fixed income assets may have their respective indicative yields depending on maturity. However, these assets are valued at the end of each trading day for price transparency. All investments (except for cash and/or time deposits) are valued at market prices (MTM).
- All Income/losses are for the account of the client. Investments have their inherent risks. The higher the risk, the higher the return potential. It is important for a client to manage own risk by choosing the appropriate investment that would suit his risk profile.
- Historical performances are purely for reference purposes and are not a guarantee of similar future results. Prices may go up or down depending on several socio-political & economic factors and market sentiment. Analysts can only forecast or project based on data and possible scenarios but cannot accurately predict future outcome.