Auto Credit Collection
Auto Credit Collection Manager – a paperless alternative to Check Payments by allowing the client to settle its payables by directly crediting its suppliers’ PBCOM deposit accounts resulting in better relations with suppliers and easier reconcilement of cash position. It offers better control & delivery of routine supplier payments. It eliminates supplier representative traffic from company premises and provides an opportunity to re-deploy excess manpower.
- Enrollment of Suppliers’ Deposit Accounts
- View Enrolled Accounts to check details of payments
- Verify/authorize/release, reject or return the transactions
- Crediting is via data entry or batch upload
- Online, Real-time Completion of Account Transfers
How it works
- Using any browser, log on to PBCOM Business Banking web site through the internet.
- Upon login, go to Cash Management Services from the Menu.
- Select Disbursement from the extended menu to the right and then click ACA.
- Choose whether ACA transaction will be created manually or via an upload file for bulk transactions.
- Select processing schedule whether immediate, or post-dated and transaction can be done online or batch transaction.
- Approvers will receive an email notification that an ACA transaction is for their verification or authorization.
- Using any Internet-ready PC, your company’s verifiers and authorizers may access PBCOM Business Banking via the internet to review and approve the created ACA transaction.
- Once properly verified and authorized, PBCOM process the ACA request immediately or on the date defined during creation. Your source account is credited and the fund is transferred to the ACA account.
- Monitor the status of ACA transaction in real-time through PBCOM Business Banking ACA Inquiry. You will also receive an email notifying you of the successful ACA transaction
- Paperless, automated alternative to check/cash based collections
- Better security since no more check stock kept in your offices
- Cash position is instantly reconciled since all payments are made in cash.
- Free up executive time and re-deploy your manpower resources to more productive tasks.
- Better control and delivery of your routine supplier payments
- Eliminate supplier traffic from your company offices.