Nourishing Minds and Hearts: PBCOM Employees’ Plate of Joy Fundraising Program in partnership with La Liga Mariquina and Young Town

Nourishing Minds and Hearts: PBCOM Employees’ Plate of Joy Fundraising Program in partnership with La Liga Mariquina and Young Town


In the heart of Tondo, Manila, and the Agora Complex in Marikina, where hope often shines amidst adversity, a remarkable partnership has emerged to support underprivileged children and young people in their quest for holistic development. This collaborative effort, orchestrated by PBCOM, La Liga Mariquina, and Young Town with a profound mission, is transforming the lives of these young souls. Through a unique blend of education, personal coaching, and nourishment of both body and spirit, they are ensuring that every child in Tondo and Marikina can reach their full potential.

Together with these organizations, PBCOM is dedicated to empowering underprivileged children and young people in the identified areas. This mission is rooted in the belief that true development encompasses not just intellectual growth but also emotional, psychological, and spiritual nourishment. The bank recognizes that the path to a prosperous life begins with education and personal coaching, but it doesn't end there. PBCOM understands that the physical well-being of these young souls is equally essential, making their feeding program an integral part of their holistic approach.

Before the actual feeding program commenced, a thorough assessment of each student's needs and potential was conducted on September 25, 2023. This assessment not only helps identify the nutritional requirements of these young minds but also sheds light on their unique emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. It is this individualized approach that sets Plate of Joy apart from conventional feeding programs.

The partnership of PBCOM, La Liga Mariquina, and Young Town is a beacon of hope for underprivileged children and young people in the area. By addressing their physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs, this initiative is breaking the cycle of poverty and nurturing the development of well-rounded individuals. It is a testament to the power of collaboration, compassion, and a shared vision for a better future for the youth of Tondo and Marikina. Together, we are nourishing not only the bodies but also the minds and hearts of the next generation, giving them a chance to thrive and reach their full potential.